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Real study shows how to save 48% of money in the paints and coatings development process just by changing one thing

Allchemist - ECS 2023

This recent study done in Paint and Coatings companies found that experts can save up to 48% of money (and consequently time) by digitizing some phases of the development process.

You can now do twice as much work without spending a cent more.

For example, in the 50.000€ development process, 48% savings amount to 24.000€. That’s per ONE  development process alone. Multiply that with your number of processes, and the amount would look impressive even to your CEO.

I know this sounds too good to be true. So it’s worth repeating – this study is done in real environment monitoring companies doing actual development work in the paint and coatings industry.

But you and I both know that our most valuable resource is not money. You can always get more money.

It is time. Time is irreplaceable. When it is gone, you can’t get it back. And your supply is severely limited. So how does that 48% savings relate to time?

Just imagine all those time-consuming activities that are huge time waters, your focus, and sometimes even your will to live.

But what if changing just one thing – instead of doing some development process old way you do it via a special platform – could save you two working days per week. That’s 104 days a year. Or, if you have a 30-year career, that’s over 8 years of it.

Why don’t you start saving your time and chasing in your expertise by simply reading the whole research paper now? You can still decide afterward do you want to do more in less time or do you want to be left behind.

And when you’re next time developing or improving new products for the paint and coatings industry think… Which process will you use?

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Allchemist at ECS 2023

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